Advent Letter
admin | 19 December 2014Dear Friends in Christ,
The Advent season has a special wonder. In the midst of the darkness of nature’s year and in a world of darkness and despair, Advent awakens us to hope and to the redemption of the desires of our hearts. Peace and good will, love and joy become suddenly possible, it seems. More than possible, the Advent message is that they are actual in the great good news of Christ’s holy birth, the mystery of Christmas.
It is the business of the Church, if I can put it this way, to uphold such visions of truth and peace and joy and hope and to do so in season and out of season, in good times and bad. That remains the task and the challenge of Christ Church.
We have pressed on with our programmes and activities. It has been a busy year. And there have been anxieties and worries – sinkholes and the fear of falling windows, for instance – all of which have been addressed and dealt with, God be praised.
We face the realities of decline, an aging demographic with more and more who are shut-in and an over-extended and distracted younger population. Yet events like the Parish Ham Supper were most successful this year both in terms of monies raised and fellowship enjoyed. Envelope givings are down slightly though our expenses, too, are down.
Unfortunately, the special Summer givings and the Thanksgiving offerings are below what they have been in past years, leaving us with the prospect of a $ 15,000.00 deficit for the year-end unless offset by Christmas donations. This will have an impact on our operations and outreach, particularly to the Diocese. We have wanted to contribute something to the wider church though not at the expense of our witness here in Windsor.
This is our present challenge: to see if we can end the year strongly and offset the current deficit and contribute to the life and work of the wider Church. Advent awakens us to the coming of God as righteousness and truth, as gift and sacrifice. The same things are asked of us in return. Love, after all, is in the nature of a first gift through which all gifts are given.
I can only express my gratitude for your support and encouragement and only prevail upon you for your generosity and commitment.
With every blessing,
(Rev’d) David Curry