Week at a Glance, 20 – 26 February
admin | 19 February 2017Tuesday, February 21st
6:00pm ‘Prayers & Praises’ – Haliburton Place
6:30-8:00pm Girl Guides – Parish Hall
7:00pm Christ Church Book Club: Rebecca Newberger Goldstein’s Plato at the Googleplex: Why Philosophy Won’t Go Away (2014) and David Brooks’ The Road to Character (2015)
Wednesday, February 22nd
6:30-8:00pm Brownies – Parish Hall
Thursday, February 23rd, Eve of St. Matthias
7:00pm Holy Communion
Friday, February 24th
11:00am Holy Communion – Dykeland Lodge
6:00-9:00pm Pathfinders/Rangers – Parish Hall
Sunday, February 26th, Quinquagesima
8:00am Holy Communion
10:30am Holy Communion