Catherine, Virgin and Martyr
admin | 25 November 2011The collect for a virgin or matron, on the Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria (4th century?), Virgin and Martyr, from The Book of Common Prayer (Canadian, 1962):
O GOD Most High, the creator of all mankind, we bless thy holy Name for the virtue and grace which thou hast given unto holy women in all ages, especially thy servant Catherine; and we pray that the example of her faith and purity, and courage unto death, may inspire many souls in this generation to look unto thee, and to follow thy blessed Son Jesus Christ our Saviour; who with thee and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen.
The Lesson: Acts 9:36-42
The Gospel: St Luke 10:38-42
Click here to read more about Saint Catherine.
Artwork: School of Spinello Aretino, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, 14th-century fresco, Basilica di San Domenico, Arezzo. Photograph taken by admin, 27 May 2010.