Irenaeus, Bishop and Doctor
admin | 28 June 2022The collect for today, the Feast of Saint Irenaeus (d. 202), Bishop of Lyon, Doctor of the Church (source):
O God of peace,
who through the ministry of thy servant Irenæus
didst strengthen the true faith and bring harmony to thy Church:
keep us steadfast in thy true religion
and renew us in faith and love,
that we may ever walk in the way
that leadeth to everlasting life;
through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord,
who liveth and reigneth with thee,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
The Epistle: 2 Timothy 2:22b-26
The Gospel: St. Luke 11:33-36
Artwork: Lucien Bégule, Saint Irenaeus, 1901. Stained glass, St. Irenaeus Church, Lyon.